For whatever reason for which a valuation may be required, we provide estimates of value that are reliable to aid in decision making. Specifically, we provide valuations to aid in lending and investment decisions, to determine the compensation payable in compulsory acquisitions, to update asset values for balance sheets, to estimate sales prices and rental rates for all property types. The partners have provided valuation services for companies of varied sizes and in different sectors such as financial, mining, agricultural, manufacturing, tourism, educational etc.


Understanding the state and dynamics of demand and supply for a real estate product is imperative to being able to maximize the opportunities in the real estate sector and minimize the downside risks. The segmented nature of real estate markets implies that each market segment (location and property type) tend to exhibit different demand-supply dynamics. We draw from our deep understanding of real estate markets to provide data-driven analysis of different property types such as office, retail, residential, industrial and hospitality.


We provide both existing and potential investors advice on the financial and environmental viability of investments in the different segments of the real estate market. We base our advice on sound and analytically rigorous techniques using reliable, accurate and up-to-date data. We are mindful of the fact that real estate investments typically involve the commitment of large sums of money and a wrong choice of investment can be very costly and often irreversible.


Whether you are purchasing a piece of land, a house, an apartment, a shopping mall or multi-storey office complex, it is important for parties to a transaction to establish the pertinent facts relating to the property under consideration. We assist clients to verify ownership of property, permits requirements, certify property details and validate key financial terms among others.


We represent parties to real estate transactions whether in a leasing arrangement or sale transaction. Our deep understanding and extensive experience in matters relating to real estate allow us to achieve the optimal outcome for clients we represent. Our clients are assured of an advantage in negotiating from an informed position.


We advise clients on the most appropriate mechanisms to adopt in structuring real estate transactions. Our services here include advising on the timing of sale and buy decisions, lease vs. own decisions, the ownership structures to use in setting up a deal, etc.


The effective and efficient management of real estate and associated facilities are critical in achieving optimal performance for owner-occupiers and investors. We relief our clients of the burden of managing their property holdings so they can focus on their core businesses whiles at the same time helping them to minimize costs by offering the most cost-efficient facilities management services with sustainability as our hallmark


We offer training in several aspects of the real estate discipline including valuation, investment analysis, financing modeling, facilities management to businesses, governments, NGOs and individuals to improve the competence and productivity of their staff.

Our Services

Pacific Real Estate Advisors is a private consulting firm specialized in the provision of real estate advisory, training and research services